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About Sara

Hey there, welcome to Somatics with Sara! Through trauma-informed somatic movement and neuroplasticity education, I help you navigate life with a sense of inner composure, spaciousness, and ease.

I’ll begin by sharing the story of how I discovered this way of being the world.

On a personal level, I struggled to find healing modalities that are effective in healing chronic health conditions stemming from accumulated stress and trauma. In 2018, I took a course on healing trauma and rewiring the nervous system that changed the course of my life. Through this course, I experienced the effectiveness of nervous system based modalities such as Somatic Experiencing® and the Feldenkrais Method™. I discovered practices that allow me to work with my own biology to prevent anxiety, overwhelm, and chronic stress from accumulating.

Somatic movement has allowed me to access an inner resourcefulness and resilience that I didn’t know was possible. I felt so inspired and empowered that I decided to enroll in a four-year Feldenkrais® practitioner training program, which I completed in 2022.

Beyond somatic movement, I have a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental & First Nations Studies. I’m passionate about ancestral nutrition, land stewardship, and trauma healing. I love connecting with the natural world through meditative movement, hiking, and ceremony. Deep connection, sensual dance, watching the sunset, and riding horses are my favourite simple pleasures.

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